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Grodan - Rockwool Cress Plates (10x20") - Ideal for Microgreens and Micropropagation


Grodan Cress Plate is the thinnest stone wool product available, measuring just 0.3 inches. It's perfect for growing microgreens and micropropagation of plants like arugula, chives, mizuna, basil, micro cilantro, chia, mustard greens, fennel, amaranth, radish, broccoli, and watercress. Features: Thinnest Grodan Product: At only 0.3 inches, it's designed for...


Grodan Cress Plate is the thinnest stone wool product available, measuring just 0.3 inches. It's perfect for growing microgreens and micropropagation of plants like arugula, chives, mizuna, basil, micro cilantro, chia, mustard greens, fennel, amaranth, radish, broccoli, and watercress.


  • Thinnest Grodan Product: At only 0.3 inches, it's designed for optimal microgreen growth.
  • Uniform Water Levels: Ensures even water distribution throughout the plate.
  • Quick Germination: Promotes rapid seed germination for faster crop production.
  • Even Crop Development: Facilitates uniform growth for all seedlings.


  1. Saturate: Place the Cress Plate in a standard-sized propagation dome. Pour a 1.5 EC nutrient solution, adjusted to pH 5.5, over the surface. Let it stand for 1 minute, then drain the excess solution.
  2. Propagate: Evenly distribute seeds over the saturated plate using a clean tool, ensuring uniform placement for even growth.
  3. Grow: Irrigate when the wet weight decreases to 50% of the initial saturation weight. Avoid overwatering.

Experience optimal growth for your microgreens and micropropagation with Grodan Rockwool Cress Plates. This advanced growing medium ensures uniform water distribution and quick germination, leading to healthier and more consistent crops.

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